The Board with the exception of a couple of members has never been in the classroom ever and Damon Raines has been out of the classroom for nearly two decades. They can’t afford to pay subs but they can afford to pay multiple county administrators six figures. They waste thousands on silly social and character education programs like 7 Mindsets but can’t afford to pay bus drivers enough to keep them. Compare the number of job openings in Walker to Catoosa, Dade, or Whitfield comparatively to the numbers of teachers in those counties and it’s astonishing. Incompetence at every level, with that much control at the Board level one would think the central office has been outstanding in its leadership not near or at the bottom of every conceivable academic category.

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Having past experience with a few school systems I found it strange to know that Mr Raines does not hold a doctorate in Education! He is the only school superintendent that I have personally meet that does not hold that title. Another issue I take a large exception to is this appointment of school board members that should be decided by the voters!!

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When you have corruption it doesn't matter.

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Yeah we got teachers now creating jobs for their husbands and funneling children threw these corrupt programs set up to benefit the crooks and rob students and parents thanks walker county seems more like DC here in any official position the poor go to work and the rich pass this corrupt scam on to their children ha ha

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