Apr 12, 2023Liked by Elliot Pierce

Google 'Chicken Chick' for the another side of home backyard flocks. She's a retired lawyer, who works with professionals, who work in chicken health and well being. She educates and advocates for backyard chickens and home owners. In today's world of technology, information is at our fingertips. The internet is full of information regarding chicken care and welfare of chicken keepers. Backyard flocks stayed well throughout the past years of Avian outbreaks. Majority of outbreaks occurred in Northwestern US in overcrowded housing complexes. It's spread by wild birds, not backyard flocks. I cared for my small flock during chemo treatment without any health issues. Good 'ol handwriting saves the day! I would have enjoyed some positive facts and feedback on backyard flocks in your article. Hearing both sides is always helpful.

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Catoosa cou ty (and every other government entity on earth) can mind their own dang business. I'm in multi groups full of 10's of thousands of backyard chicken raisers and strangely enough not a single case of avian flu or salmonella among them. It's almost like someone is trying to deliberately infect the food chain or it's just a flat out lie to disrupt the food chain something. Either way, our land, our property, keep your nose out of it. Everything the govt touches it ruins.

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There are salmonella outbreaks regularly over such mundane store purchases as spinach and peanut butter, as well as many cases that stem from ownership of pet reptiles, yet those cases never receive the scrutiny that backyard flocks do. While any death is tragic, 1 death in a state of millions is statistically insignificant and not worth depriving those millions of citizens of the right to feed their families in whichever ways align with their values. Life is risky by nature and over-zealous attempts to mitigate that risk serve to rob life of the very things that make it worth living.

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So one person in all of Georgia died of salmonella and you’re blaming back yard flocks? It’s so unintelligent. It could have been and is most likely to have been the commercially farmed chicken or eggs that caused it. You know, the chickens that never see the sunlight, eat healthy food or that wade through their own feces continually. No no, it was the backyard flock chickens, the ones that receive love, range freely in the grass and eat the many bugs in Georgia. No, it must have been the back yard chickens that live with 10 other birds, instead of the commercial chickens that live with 5000 other birds. It must have been the back yard flocks that make everyone sick, the cared for birds that are given the best feed that many mix themselves, instead of the 1000 lbs of feed that is the cheapest they could bargain for at the commercial farms. This article is ridiculous, anyone can use logic and know it’s a complete lie to help the completely illogical commissioners who are so deep in the pockets of the developers that they can’t think for themselves any longer.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Elliot Pierce

"blaming backyard flock" If by "blaming" you mean pointing out it was a verified backyard flock infection that caused that death, then yeah, he is "blaming" them.

I agree, one death does not mean they should be banned. Nor does the author make that conclusion. But his conclusion is correct, the stakes are much higher than either side has heretofore noted. As such, both sides appear to be advocating from a position of ignorance, at best, or purposely misleading. (which I doubt)

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They're really not "that much higher".... Or higher at all. Backyard flocks are taken far better care of than any mass production farm does. If the govt is blaming it on is, you can bet your last dollar they're probably behind it.

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